Sunday, August 28; 11am – 3pm
Exhibit Mall opens at 10am
UCLA campus, Young Hall Courtyard
Admission is FREE. Parking on campus in Lot 2 is $11.

Five great reasons to attend the Writers Faire:
1. Hear lively discussions about the art and craft of writing by more than 60 Writers’ Program instructors in your choice of 24 unique mini-classes
2. Enroll in most fall Writers’ Program courses at a 10% discount (This day only; advanced courses not included. You must enroll at the Faire in order to get the discount.)
3. Get one-on-one advisement on courses and certificate programs
4. Attend a special session on graduate programs in creative writing
5. Visit with 20 professional and community organizations, graduate programs, and writing-allied businesses who share a common goal of promoting writing in Los Angeles

Can’t attend the Faire? Watch a live stream of four mini-classes by clicking on or from 11am-3pm on August 28. The Writers’ Program offers more than 50 online screenwriting and creative writing courses in fall, so you can be a part of their writing community no matter where you live.

For more info, contact the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program.
(310) 825-9415